Adventures in San Francisco

It was nice to take a little break and go visit some amazing friends to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary of July 4th weekend!  On vacation I still bring my camera but don't even think just try to recharge my creativity.  So, wanted to share a few images and stories from our trip.......

Our first stop was downtown San Fran!  I love the cable cars, they are pretty much timeless and in black and white could be from years ago or current times.

The streets of China Town have amazing colors and sounds everywhere you go.  We even got to have lunch there with one of our wonderful couples!

Walking the streets this happened to be a "live" exhibit at a little art gallery.

Here's people's reaction to Ghanna losing in the World Cup.

I love the hills, it really brings out the character and you can see so much more than you can in Florida:-)  This pink moving truck kept popping up as well.

Visiting the Crooked St is a must. I wonder how many accidents happen here? 

Pier 39 another must.  I could watch the Sea Lions all day long. There were tons of them, but my favorite one was this little guy all by himself.

Golden Gate!

One of the most beautiful drives I have been on was in the Monterrey/Carmel area.  17 Mile drive and Pebble beach. 

This is a famous lookout point which a huge single tree growing on the rock.

Our friend Jason took this one of us, nice work!!  The wetsuit was purely for the pics for me, it was freezing no way was I getting in that water!

The boys did some body surfing.......

Jason and Barbara's dog Scooter was worried about Jason being in the water so he was so happy:-)


One of our stops was Livermore, for wine tastings.  I liked it even better than Napa because the character and ambiance was laid back the the people were so nice. Much less touristy.  One we visited had this sign inside....

Concannon Winery, it was my fav!  The nicest people and amazing wines!


Featured on Destination I Do Blog!


Jennifer + Jason