Imaging USA 2014 - Platform

One of the things I LOVE doing besides photography of course is teaching!  I so enjoy helping other people realize their dreams and goals in business and in life.  I am SO excited to share that I will be one of the platform speakers at Imaging USA 2014.  It's a big big conference held in a different city every year where photographers from all over the world come together to learn, network, and see all the cool new technology.  

My platform is going to be on what I call the circle of life for your business in weddings. Building relationships with the professionals you work with and your brides, getting your work published, and how that creates more wedding bookings.  It's going to be awesome!!  I am also going to be doing a live shoot that I can not wait for, I'm not telling you anymore though you will have to come:-)   I'll be teaching some pre conference business classes too so I'll share about those soon!


Kirsten & Joe


Christina & Adam Featured on The Bride Link