Women Of Influence 2015

Every year the Tampa Chamber's Women of Influence Luncheon is one of my favorite events. 800+ Tampa Bay women (and a few men:-) come out to both connect and hear from an amazing speaker.  This year, it was 2 amazing and inspirational ladies who started the company Sword & Plough. They take military materials and apply them into peaceful, civilian applications like bags, purses, hats etc. and empower veteran employment.  It's recycling, but more importantly, giving people a fashionable product that helps remind them of the sacrifices and challenges our servicemen and women face every day. Emily and Betsy are sisters, and co-founders of this organization and it was so inspiring and motivational to hear their story!  Each year there is also a Dottie Berger MacKinnon, Woman of the Year awarded to a woman who has made a significant impact in Tampa Bay. Dr. Judy Genshaft, President of USF was quite shocked that it was her for 2015!  


The Helms Family


{Lindsey & Duncan @ The Gasparilla Inn}