Hilton Downtown Tampa | Metromin Bridge Builders 2019

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Metromin’s annual Bridge Builders event is one I look forward to every single year and it never disappoints! Hosted at the Hilton Downtown Tampa catered by Inside the Box, set and production IS Staging. hundreds came out to support and give to bring hope to those who need it most in Tampa Bay. Metromin unveiled the Metro Brigaide, which is a team of 30+ staff from Metro and AmeriCorps. Metromin saw a need for people who have been living in tent camps who are afraid to go and get basic things they need and services because they don’t want to lose the stuff they do have, so the Brigaide goes out and brings food, love, and services directly to these people! I was also my last official time hearing from Mayor (Reverend), Bob Buckhorn. I’ve gotten to hear him speak and photograph him many times over the last 8 years and I always love hearing his enthusiasm and love of Tampa Bay and making it a better place for our kids. The kids from Metromin presented both Bob and the Debartalo family with a beautiful tile art piece in honor of their support.


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