{Stacey & Ryan @ Karnes Stables}

Stacey and Ryan incorporated so many fun and thought details into their wedding! Stacey's dad is very good at ironing from his days in the military and he steamed all the girls dresses:-)  Stacey wore her mom's pearl earrings and great grandmother's 50th anniversary ring. The blue crystal wishbone broach on her bouquet was her grandmother's.  Stacey's mom helped her into her gown and her bridesmaids had the best reaction when they saw her all ready.  Ryan and the guys were in gray with royal blue ties that looked amazing with the girls royal blue dresses and white and light blue flowers.  It was one of those days you are on pins and needles with the forecast but thankfully the rain held off so they could get married in a beautiful ceremony under the big oak tree.  The colors were so vibrant since it had rained eariler in the day. The stable was decorated with lace runners, blue linens and white lanters. Instead of a cake they had a fabulous spread of all different pies, lemon, lime, strawberry and cupcakes made of cookies with an oreo on top!  The "pie topper" was from Ryan's granparents that dated back from when he returned from WWII.  They did bbq. and had custom little bottles of hot and sweet bbq sauce for their guests to enjoy.  They also had a little bride and groom strawberry they ate instead of a cake cutting and Ryan may have gotten a little mini pie in the face!  Ryan and the guys had a special serandade for Stacey just before he took of the garter.  There were lawn games under the twinkle lights, dancing in the stable and just an amazing time had by all! Congrats Ryan & Stacey!!! xoxoxo
Venue | Karnes Stables | Coordination & Florals | Tampa Wedding Studio | Makeup | Lindsay Does Makeup | Catering | Port A Pit BBQ | Gown | Charlotte Bridal | Pies | Alessi Bakeries


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Hailey & John