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Weddings, carrie Carrie Wildes Weddings, carrie Carrie Wildes

Fenway Hotel Wedding | Tiffania & Laurence

Tiffania & Laurence's intimate wedding of 13 guests was hosted at the First United Methodist Church Dunedin, with a reception at the Fenway Hotel following their nuptials. Tiffania is a pastor, as are both of her parents. Her dad officiated a beautiful ceremony, which was incredible, as a photographer, to be able to capture!

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carrie, linda 2nd shooting Carrie Wildes carrie, linda 2nd shooting Carrie Wildes

Don Cesar Beach Resort Wedding | Lauren & Ralphie

Lauren and Ralphie’s entire Don Cesar Beach Resort wedding is exactly what it looks like when 2 amazing families come together to celebrate 2 people becoming man and wife! They chose the #pinkpalace to get married and what better main color to have than pink?!!! Honestly, I could write a book about all the amazing moments that are a part of their story but I’ll try and keep it short so you can look at all the prettiness.

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