Zeke's Last Chemo Treatment

A parent’s worst fear in knowing something is wrong with their child and then finding out the diagnosis is that "something" is cancer. This is the nightmare that Alisha and Jeremy have walked through for the past 3 years. Their sweet boy, Zeke, was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was just 3 years old. He has been a patient at All Children's Hospital during this time. They have an amazing staff that truly cares and grows close to their patients. Alisha and Jeremy's whole family came out to celebrate Zeke's, last chemo treatment. I was blessed with the opportunity to be there to photograph this monumental day.  There really aren't words to describe the feelings I had while witnessing this! It was a mix of joy and excitement, sadness and fear, all at the same time. As a mom of two boys, I was overcome with emotion as Alisha held her baby's hand as they accessed his port and took blood, hooked him up to the machine that pumped chemo into his little body for the last time.  No parent wants to go through this but this family is such an example of strength and endurance. They all joined hands and prayed, giving thanks to God for His healing of their boy. I literally was brought to tears as I watched Zeke ring the bell in the hall! This bell signifies the kids' last treatment and remission of cancer. Then again, I got all teary eyed as Alisha and Zeke walked the hall, hand in hand, to thank and hug all the nurses for their amazing care.  I absolutely love photographing weddings and all the joyous occasions we get to be a part of, but, his may go down as my all time favorite photo shoot ever.  Thank you Palmer Family for allowing us to be a part of such a monumental and blessed day!!  We also wanted to share from Alisha what this day meant in her words:

“To put into words from a mothers heart on the emotions and feeling of this day might be challenging but here it is. My son Zeke was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia on Sept 5, 2013, over 3 years I waited for this day, this day to say to my son "this is your last chemotherapy treatment". In the pediatric cancer world this conversation from one parent to a child is rarely had, I am beyond blessed to say "My son is done with chemotherapy treatments" because not all parents can say that. This is a chapter in my son’s life I pray to the Lord we never have to revisit again. But, from day one God's presence and peace was with me. I didn't know the out-come of this journey but I trusted the Lord through every hospital stay, fever, blood transfusion, platelet transfusion, chemo treatment in his port and every 3 months of chemotherapy in is spine and up to 12 pills at night I had to give him chemo, steroids, seeing specials from dermatologist, cardiologist and lung doctors, many hour of sleepless nights I knew the Lord was by my side.  Zeke's joy from day 1 was amazing, he never complained, NEVER. I am beyond grateful for the nurses and doctors that made this journey as pleasant as possible. Faith is all I had for each day, to see life through a different light, to be thankful for everyday and not to worry about the small stuff. Every moment is a blessing and I am beyond grateful to have these still memories to remind me God is always faithful and It Is Finished.”


Ashley & Wayne


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